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Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 10.03.2025, 10:36
von Nick-the-quick
Hallo ,

Hat jemand die Kabine seiner 406 schalldicht? Ist es moglich, gute Ergebnissen zu vermeiden?

Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 10.03.2025, 12:56
von ret
Nick-the-quick hat geschrieben: Hat jemand die Kabine seiner 406 schalldicht? Ist es moglich, gute Ergebnissen zu vermeiden?
Hallo, das kommt drauf an, was Du da drin "treiben" willst :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 10.03.2025, 20:07
von Helmut Schmitz
Hello Nick
I think your question is whether you can soundproof the inside of the cabin (against engine noise)?
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Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 11.03.2025, 08:05
von Nick-the-quick
Ja , du bist richtig, es tut mir leid. Aber mein schlecht Deutsch macht mir etwas schwer zu schreiben. Und lesen . Anyway, my name is Nicola, from Italy. I own a Unimog 406 that I'm restoring snce one year. Almost ready. My question was about the chance to make the cabin a little less noisy. In partucular I saw that the polimer hood that covers the engine is not sound proofed and I was wondering if only MY Mog is missing it or if some kind of noise protecion was not expected. An, overmore, if anybody has faced the problem with efficacious results. Thanks in advance and forgive me for my poor

Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 11.03.2025, 10:21
von Helmut Schmitz
Hello Nicola
there is a well insulated bonnet like the one used in the 417. However, it is very rare to find and of course very heavy.
The company Holster offers an accessory cover that can be put on, which has a similar effect and also has a practical storage area.
Here is the link to the company's offer Fa Holster
Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 09-46-03 U406_4003-416-417 H.P. Holster Unimog.png
Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 09-46-03 U406_4003-416-417 H.P. Holster Unimog.png (537.43 KiB) 1023 mal betrachtet
The space available in the engine compartment offers little scope for installing additional sound insulation.
However, the sound reflection in the cab can be reduced with additional panelling,
The exhaust manifold on the engine and the exhaust pipe should be well insulated against heat and noise

Ecco il tentativo in italiano
esiste un cofano ben isolato come quello usato nella 417. Tuttavia, è molto difficile da trovare e, naturalmente, è molto pesante.
L'azienda Holster offre una copertura accessoria che può essere messa, che ha un effetto simile e ha anche una pratica area di stoccaggio.
Ecco il link all'offerta dell'azienda
Lo spazio disponibile nel vano motore offre poche possibilità di installare un isolamento acustico aggiuntivo.
Tuttavia, la riflessione sonora nella cabina può essere ridotta con un rivestimento aggiuntivo,
Il collettore di scarico del motore e il tubo di scarico devono essere ben isolati dal calore e dal rumore.
Cordiali saluti

Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 12.03.2025, 11:43
von Nick-the-quick
Thank you Helmut, this is what I wanted to know. I was , indeed , in doubt for a cover of the bonnet or an insulating material to put under the bonnet ( the face oriented to the engine) . I will try to understand how much space is possible to use between the bonnet and the engine. Thank a lot.

Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 13.03.2025, 08:59
von MagMog
Ei Guuden Nick,

Ho ricoperto il cofano interno con lana minerale ad alta densità da 20 mm per la protezione antincendio,
C'è abbastanza spazio nell'U404.
Ho anche messo il materiale sotto la copertura della leva del cambio.
Lo stesso anche sotto la cabina di guida e nei paraurti.

Prima era quasi impossibile conversare, ora è possibile a volume normale.

Gut Mog!

Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 13.03.2025, 14:33
von Moggälä
Hi Nick,

sorry - I never had any lessons in Italian, so I try to use my bad English.
Insulation in the 406 - a funny idea. I've got one of the few original 406 with the cover and the ceiling-insulation in the interior from the 417.
It should be much better as the glasfiber-part (hood), even better as these condom - but beyond 60km/h (eg. at the Autobahn) you have to wear ear-protection.

I could remember the suggestions of Franz Murr. One was to enlarge the distance between the cabin and the engine with spacers on top of the cabin-bushings. If you don't won't to change the steering column there should be a possibility up to 20mm. This should help a lot - but I never tried it by myself.
Next step (the big solution) - change to a similar cabin-suspension as the 417 (more distance to the engine, 4-point-suspension). The part's are very rare, but it could be a possibility if you have a sample to copy the parts. And the 417 is in compare to the 406 like a rolls vs. the old Panda. It is possible, to listen Music at a top speed of 80km/h - without wearing headphones!


Re: Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Verfasst: 14.03.2025, 08:23
von Moggälä
Hi Nick,

only a short note from the past - the topic is not really a new question...
