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Hello Community,

I have a quistion about my sudrad felge 9x20 partnumber Mb= 4214010601 , on my Unimog 407.
I have now mitas mpt 03 on, but they are gone, so i would like to put 335/80 Ac 70 G mpt on the 9x20 rims, for trommelbremse.
I read already a lot on this great forum, that the best rims are 11 x 20, but then i need them for a drumbraked version.

Is there any partnumber for this rims in the 11 x 20 version what fits on the drumbrakes, i read sometimes that there can be used 406 drumbrake rims? do anyone knows this maybe?

Rgds Laurus .
Hello Laurus

for the 407 there is an 11x18” rim with an offset of 32mm .
Analogous would be a rim 11x20” with similar offset . Such rims were available for the 406 with drum brakes
406 401 05 01 , 416 401 08 01; 416 401 09 01 (reinforced rim) with offset 25mm for tires 12,5R20 =335/80R20.
Also possible is 416 400 00 02 (11x20) for 14.5R20.
All these rims have an offset of 25mm.

Hallo Laurus
für den 407 gibt es eine 11x18"-Felge mit der Einpresstiefe von 32mm .
Analog wäre dazu eine Felge 11x20" mit ähnlicher Einpresstiefe . Für den 406 mit Trommelbremse gab es solche Felgen
406 401 05 01 , 416 401 08 01; 416 401 09 01 (verstärkte Felge) mit Et 25mm für die Bereifung 12,5R20 =335/80R20.
Möglich ist auch 416 400 00 02 (11x20) für 14,5R20.
Alle diese Felgen haben eine Einpresstiefe vom 25mm.
Hello Laurus,

Best is to follow Helmut recommendation.
But I also had on my 404 legally 335/80 Dunlop SPT9 tires. this also worked fine. On the Dunlop databook are also the rim are recommended as first choice but a range from 9-20 to 13-20 accepted.
So you also can check if this is a possibility for the AC70 tires
Hello, Helmut and Jurgen,

Thank you for the time and information what you give!
Its a big help for me!
I will think a few days , what i am go to do!

But i will share a picture and some info with you if i have the new tyres and rims( if i will chang a bigger).

Have a good weekend! great reading community this!
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