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Herzlich willkommen auf der Unimog-Community-Website. Seit 1999 treffen sich hier die Mercedes-Benz Unimog- und MBtrac-Enthusiasten zum Meinungsaustausch und Fachsimpeln.

Spezial-Forum zur Unimog-Baureihe U 404 S.

Moderatoren: stephan, krahola


nun hat mein 404.0, weil sich in D kein Käufer gefunden hat, seine Reise in den Libanon angetreten, huckepack in den Hafen nach Hamburg, dort in einen Container und dann aufs Schiff - übrigens zu einem fairen Preis, der nah an meiner Wunschvorstellung lag.
Wenn ich in Zukunft Bilder in seiner neuen Heimat bekomme (hat der Käufer versprochen), dann will ich sie gern hier einstellen.
In den nächsten Tagen kommen noch ein paar Unimogteile aus meiner Aservatenkammer hier in den Kleinanzeigenmarkt.

Gruß Ulli
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rkharma liked this
Dear Ulli,

I joined another forum and they pointed me to this article, i am the new owner of the 404 013 from Lebanon :smile:

I got it a few month ago, still not driving it as it needs some maintenance after sitting for a while but i will get it on the road soon, road worthiness in Lebanon is not that stringent so it is easy. It is my first Unimog, for now i am focusing on the fuel, cleaned the carbs, filters, changed the lines and now drained the fuel tank and fully repainting it. If you don't mind i have a few questions that might help me get around things faster.

1- Anything else mechanically that I should pay attention to? I will change the engine, gear... oils before the first drive.
2- For the engine breather, i saw you other article, there is connection
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on the metal pipe on top of the break booster and behind the fuses, now I am not sure if it was there or added? I got some rubber pipes with 90 degree and 180 degree bends and i was going to connect the breather to the intake. Someone in the other article is proposing to put a filter or separator before this, is that necessary.
3- I am having problems with the hydraulics, I drained the tank, replaced the draining plug and put fresh hydraulic oil, the bed tilt worked once and now doesn't not sure what is happening. I am new hydraulics, should the lines be vented (remove air from them). More questions about hydraulics later.
4- There are some electric issues with the turn signal, they don't work unless the hazard switch is on but the hazard switch does not work. I have the electric diagram for the 404 01, I will figure it out. The question is regarding a bunch of connecting cables on the passenger side of the engine bay, they are all disconnected, I do not know what they are needed for and did not have time to track them yet. There are some labels but old and unreadable is this related to the relay SLG 5010 only or are there other uses, based on the material i have the turn signal relay goes there, now there are two electric component one of them i am sure is the alternator 3 phase voltage regulator or both i am not sure. Picture shows both and the unconnected cables.
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5- In the cabin, driver side on top of the heater there are two connections and a switch, any idea what they are? Plus the small switch above the hazard switch?
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6- Hydraulics again, what I concluded from some of your posts is that the entire thing not only the pump and controls is retrofit / not factory. I would like to eventually have an engine driven hydraulic system, is that possible? I believe there is place for the original 406 hydraulic tank, it goes on the passenger side and i can run the main and return line to the existing electrical hydraulic control, the question is about the pump, there is already one for the hydraulic steering, it cannot be used because it is only 100bar based on what i read. Is there a way to add another one? any special bracket to connect it to the engine? which pump types?

I am sorry for the long list, if you would like to connect by email, let me know. Thank you again.

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