Herzlich willkommen

Herzlich willkommen auf der Unimog-Community-Website. Seit 1999 treffen sich hier die Mercedes-Benz Unimog- und MBtrac-Enthusiasten zum Meinungsaustausch und Fachsimpeln.

Der Mogler steht im Vordergrund: Unimogtreffen, Ausfahrten, Berichte, TV-Tipps, Unimog-Witze.
I finally caught up on the deferred maintenance, cleaned up a couple of mechanical hacks, and was finally able to take the truck for a trip around the block. There is still much to do. I've never driven a vehicle with dead shock absorbers - it's like driving one of those inflatable bounce houses for kids.

Bredan hat geschrieben:Your poor neighbours... :party
I think, they hate you for the small red Devil.. :twisted:
Luckily I have neighbors that don't mind my cars, and they come by every now and then borrow a tool or a battery charger, or to have me put their car on my lift to fix something, so it works out.
Sperrklaue gefallen,Reparatur-Tipps

Hallo, es geht um beide Achsen. Danke für die[…]

Hallo Ju Mo, Das Problem kommt mir sehr bekannt vo[…]

Unimog 406 Kabine schalldicht machen.

Hello Nicola there is a well insulated bonnet like[…]

Hallo Roland ich habe mir die Mühe gemacht, f[…]