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Herzlich willkommen auf der Unimog-Community-Website. Seit 1999 treffen sich hier die Mercedes-Benz Unimog- und MBtrac-Enthusiasten zum Meinungsaustausch und Fachsimpeln.

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Moderatoren: stephan, Bernd-Schömann

Ich lebe in den Vereinigten Staaten und möchte meinen Unimog 1956 411.117 in ein Kipper-Bett / Plattform umwandeln. Dies hat die frühere Bettplattform wie eine 401. Kann mir jemand empfehlen, wo ich die Teile bekommen könnte, um meine Maschine umzubauen? Ich bin bereit, einige Änderungen vorzunehmen, möchte aber das allgemeine Design beibehalten. Ich habe jemand einen Vorschlag, wo ich einige der Teile bekommen könnte, die ich schätzen würde.

I live in the United states and I am looking to convert my unimog 1956 411.117 to have a tipper bed/platform. This has the earlier style bed platform like a 401. Can anyone recommend where I could get the parts to convert my machine? I am willing to make some changes but would like to keep the general design. Ive someone has a suggestion where I could get some of the parts I would appreciate it.

Hello Ike,

in advance we have to distinguish which solution you prefer. The 2010/401 solution was an additional platform on the fix platform with a pneumatic cylinder. The air piston allows only sideward tipping, with the typical air piston behavior.

The later solution starting with the three-support- drivers cab was a real three side tipping platform with hydraulic piston. If this is your goal, you need a hydraulic system onboard.

Major changes are necessary. Removal of the fix platform, adding a tipping frame (German: Kippspinne / tipping spider), a hydraulic cylinder and a three side tipping platform. The old wooden platform panels can be reused.

The old system is only available as short tipping platform. The 411.117 with long wheel base can be equipped with a short or a long platform. The tipping frame (tipping spider) must be accordingly.

Tipping platforms of the old style are only available as used parts. Pneumatic pistons and control vales, too.

New three side tipping platforms are available as remanufactured parts, same as hydraulic cylinders. Control valves can be Unimog parts (used) or of the shelf standard parts. Cost is arrounf 2000 Euro, depending what is already available at your vehicle.

Pneumatics, respectively hydraulics is mandatory.

Best regards
Zuletzt geändert von mhame am 08.02.2019, 15:47, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Hallo Markus,

https://www.unimog-community.de/phpBB3/ ... 66190.html

Ike hat vor längerer Zeit seinen Mog vorgestellt.

Sollte kein neuer Unimog dazugekommen sein , handelt es sich um einen 411.110 Bj1957

Hi Jochen,

my answer is related to a 411.117. If Ike plans to modify an Unimog 411.110, only a solution for short wheel base is possible. A convertable with canvas requires a modification of the cab's back wall.

This picture shows the original platform in use with the 3 way tipper. Is the upper or tipping platform available anywhere? Are any of the parts to do this conversion available?

Dieses Bild zeigt die ursprüngliche Plattform, die mit dem 3-Wege-Kipper verwendet wird. Ist die obere oder kippbare Plattform irgendwo verfügbar? Ist einer der Teile für diese Konvertierung verfügbar?

leafsprung hat geschrieben:This picture shows the original platform in use with the 3 way tipper. Is the upper or tipping platform available anywhere? Are any of the parts to do this conversion available?
Dieses Bild zeigt die ursprüngliche Plattform, die mit dem 3-Wege-Kipper verwendet wird. Ist die obere oder kippbare Plattform irgendwo verfügbar? Ist einer der Teile für diese Konvertierung?

Not for the Meiler parts. I don't know anyone owning this special equipment.

For latches: I asume you mean the three walls of the tipping platform. The hinges are remanufactured by Feulner Metallbau (both versions, old model and new 421 style models). The latch lock parts are standard farming machine parts. The wood can be remanufactured from plain planks and the steel U-profile around is of the shelf.

For the air piston only used parts are availabel.

For the hydraulic piston (a new spider frame is required) can be received from H.P. Holster. Platforms of the new style as well. Old air tipping platfroms are only available as used parts.

It makes absolutely no sense to focus on all variants. Let us know which type is in your focus and we can see, how we can support you. Otherwise you must search for parts by your self.

Dear Ike,

If i where you i left it as it was, so much hassle, costs and you sort of destroy the Unimogs original aspects wich may be lost forever.
Also you get a tipper wich is very high and almost only useful when you have a loader.
You better get a tipper trailer for that money.

Your Unimog still looks nice i would keep it that way.

Greetings Leo
Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I would aim to make a tipping platform that is as close as reasonably possible to the original and also reversable so as not to affect originality. I have both a loader and excavator, so loading the unimog is no problem. While I appreciate the unimog as a collectors item I also want it to be useful and have a versitile piece of equipment. I would consider buying another machine for parts but alas there are no machines for parts in the united states for sale at this time - nor have I seen one with this equipment in the last 10 years. The small unimogs are very uncommon here. I think the best route would be to build an air tipping platform that sits on top of the current stationary platform so to reduce modifications - and use a later hydraulic ram to tip the load.

Here is my unimog



The parts I would need are the original hydraulic pump,tank,valve,cylinder,and hardware for the platform (I can fabricate the majority of the platform as the original was made. Are there places to find these parts? Alternatively to find the pnematic parts but I understand these arent very strong.
First, the Unimog on the pictures is no 411.117, which is a enclosed cab, no convertible, called Westfalia DvF. Yours is a small wheel base 411.110.

For parts you can place a note here under "Suche".


Or use https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-unimog-411/k0 for searching parts.

Best regards

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