Herzlich willkommen

Herzlich willkommen auf der Unimog-Community-Website. Seit 1999 treffen sich hier die Mercedes-Benz Unimog- und MBtrac-Enthusiasten zum Meinungsaustausch und Fachsimpeln.

Neues Forum für die Unimog- und Reise-Freunde weltweit.
Dear Unimog Friends!

Looking through the October 2004 issue of our Club journal "Unimog Heft'l" I became perplexed peering to the front view of an U 404S with Moscow City registration number "Y140CY 99RUS" (to make it clear: It is not my Unimog U421; it is registered under a Moscow-Region number " A175BB 90RUS".)

I know only one Unimog with the Moscow Automobile Institut (MAI) which is an old Bundeswehr veteran (C325CM 99RUS) used in Russian truck trials. Some years ago I gave a german translation to the Old Unimog Forum Press, but it was not published.

Does somebody in the International Unimog Comunitiy Board or the Heft'l press know to whom the Unimog belongs? If so, please let me know!

Regards! Karl

Hallo Jürgen, ja das rhythmische Klappern, vi[…]

Unterzüge am 427

Hallo Andreas das haben wir alles in der Wissen[…]


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Frontanbauplatte am 404

Moin, Sehr gute Frage. Muss ich mal messen.