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I am a chilean citizen, I am owner of an Unimog 406, 1974 and I am searching information about the power of the truck (90CV or 140CV?, wich is right?)

I need too the explanation about the way that the Unmog use it power.

Eduardo Aguero
The regular power ist 84H4/DIN , it´s nearly the same than 90Hp/SAE. There are engines availible with different power. Wich engine-typ in in your truck. At the top of the engine, there is a plate where the typ is written. 353.902 has 84Hp, 353.940 has 110Hp and 353.907 has 125 Hp
Hello Eduardo.
I don´´t know this modell. I´m not shure, but I think this modell is build in Brazil. Ã
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Dank euch. Hilft mit schon weiter. :party