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Herzlich willkommen auf der Unimog-Community-Website. Seit 1999 treffen sich hier die Mercedes-Benz Unimog- und MBtrac-Enthusiasten zum Meinungsaustausch und Fachsimpeln.

Neues Forum für die Unimog- und Reise-Freunde weltweit.
Hallo Martin, puhutko Suomea?.

Micha, what is the SA-code for that option?. ;)

The forum is still rather quiet, very few members, but you must always start from something.
We have some Unimogs here, the local water and electrical suppliers had some mogs in the past. Also offroad people have some Unimogs, and of course Mercedes Benz oldtimer clubs members have very nicely restored examples.

I have been planning of purchasing one, for all kind of hobby activities.

It is a compromize between annual costs / comfort, newer models are nicer to drive (was looking some U140:s) but a lot more expensive to keep because of insurances and annual diesel taxes in Finland. It is calculated from total mass of the vehicle.

Now i saw a nice 411.110, it would be possible to transport it with a trailer where i need it, but it has never been registered. It was a snow plough at an airport and was owned by the state. Documents say 'Unimog 411 tow tractor', i asked today from DB importer that have they type approval for 411 as a tractor, NO!, was the answer.
401 does have this approval in Finland, that i know.

As a tractor there would be no annual inspection, and no diesel taxes..
Sperrklaue gefallen,Reparatur-Tipps

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