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Spezial-Forum zur Unimog-Baureihe U 404 S.

Moderatoren: stephan, krahola

Hello to all.
Please excuse my writing in English. I am slowly learning German and may test my abilities in the future. My wife, our three sons and I have hosted the largest Unimog gatherings in North American history in 2001 and 2002. You are all welcome to attend the 2003 NWMF event the third weekend in August. But now to my problem and question.
We are trying to restore our 1963 404.115 hardcab truck and cannot seem to find a set of replacement front windshield rubber weatherstripping seals. In Book 35 009 Edition E, these are listed as (Abdichtgummi 000 671 03 20 ). The Unimog parts dealers in the US and England say the part is no longer available. I was told the same by Neil at MEREX in Gaggenau. Metro Moulded Parts in the US has a rubber extrusion (LP30-G) that is close in cross-section but is actually too big. What are 404.115 hardcab owners in Germany doing for a replacement for this part?
I do appreciate all your help. If you think I should post this question to a different forum, please let me know. Thank you.

Jim Molloy
Waldersee Farm
Sheridan, Oregon
home of Northwest MogFest
Hello to all.
Please excuse my writing in English. I am slowly learning German and may test my abilities in the future. My wife, our three sons and I have hosted the largest Unimog gatherings in North American history in 2001 and 2002. You are all welcome to attend the 2003 NWMF event the third weekend in August. But now to my problem and question.
We are trying to restore our 1963 404.115 hardcab truck and cannot seem to find a set of replacement front windshield rubber weatherstripping seals. In Book 35 009 Edition E, these are listed as (Abdichtgummi 000 671 03 20 ). The Unimog parts dealers in the US and England say the part is no longer available. I was told the same by Neil at MEREX in Gaggenau. Metro Moulded Parts in the US has a rubber extrusion (LP30-G) that is close in cross-section but is actually too big. What are 404.115 hardcab owners in Germany doing for a replacement for this part?
I do appreciate all your help. If you think I should post this question to a different forum, please let me know. Thank you.

Jim Molloy
Waldersee Farm
Sheridan, Oregon
home of Northwest MogFest
Hallo Jim
Bad news for you.As far as i concerned the windshild rubber is not available in germany too.All i can say is to use your old rubbers.If they are broken you have a problem.You can try it with windshild glue,used by carmakers.but i don\'t know if it is strong enought.In that case the size of your old windshild is to small,so you need new windshilds,every glasshop can make for you.
I hope i could help you.
Ps: sorry for my bad english.
Hi Jim!

Body rubbers seem to be a real issue - coldn´t
find anything genuine myself either!
I am trying to find something similar from
other cars at the wreckers right now -
probably have to modify something...
I reckon as long as you can come up
with something matching in profile you should be allright -
just cut to size (length) and use the superglue those travelling
salesmen apply on pulley belts during their little shows -
or even better: get them to glue your seals during their
performances as proof for feasibility - if it works out
get yourself a tube of that stuff for the rest of your
As soon as I find something matching I´m gonna post it...

best regards
Hi Jim,
Harald seems to be right, the DC online-spare-parts-catalogue
says: cant find this part at the moment, please contact your local DC dealer.

Also Leute, wer hat ein geschlossenes Fahrerhaus und musste da schonmal die Dichtgummis wechseln ?
Thank you for your replies. The Metro Moulded Parts LP30-G extrusion is a close match but still a little too large. There are Unimog used truck/parts dealers in the USA who might be interested in sponsoring the manufacture of the extrusion die. The cost is not too bad at $500.00 USD but the extruders want a minimum order of 250-300 meters of seal at a cost of about $10-15/m. Can anyone think of any rubber extruders in Germany that specialize in automobile and truck restorations? I wonder what other cars and trucks might have used something with a similar cross-section profile. Thanks again.

Jim Molloy
hello jim ,

i will visit the technical-store in berlin in the first week of february .
if they dont ship to usa , i can offer you some help .

if they have different rubbers , they can give me some samples for you .


[Editiert am 14/1/2003 von andrekestler]
Dolph, Heiko and Andre,
Thank you very much for all the information. I will try to contact Harald Ockert to see what he has available as used parts. I would prefer to use new rubber in this case but good used items are better than nothing. I have started to look at the Technical-Store on-line catalog. Wow!!! I have made it to page 18 and am amazed at the items available. I can\'t tell you how much i appreciate all the information you have give me. Thanks again. Take care.

Jim Molloy
I have contacted Karr in CA. Brad Beesley had a die made up several years ago. Then there was a flood in the area. All records were lost. They asked me to send a large section of the original rubber as well as a full-size profile of the windshiled glass. They hope thay can then find the die in question. The cost of a set of rubber weatherstrips from Karr will be about $250.00 USD.
A friend from Germany is bringing seven meters of weatherstripping from the Technical-Store in Berlin. I have also found a window weatherstrip from an early VW that looks like it will work also. As soon as I know what is the best fit, I will make this information public.

Hallo Jim
If your wind shild is rectangular you can order a straight strip of rubber, cut it at
45 gegree angles and glue thr parts together. Then you do not have to make and send the outline.
I heared there is someone on the eastcost who makes softtops for the 404.1.
Do you know anything about it. Would you have a phoneno. or address.

Thanks Thomas

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