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Spezial-Forum zur Unimog-Baureihe U 404 S.

Moderatoren: stephan, krahola

Hello from America!

I see there is an English/German option in the profile so I hope I can post in English and you can easily read it. If not, I can run it through Google Translate.

I have a 404.111 that I'm looking to do a 6 to 8 speed conversion on. Most of the info I've read on the subject eliminates the option for a PTO and while I don't have one, I'm looking for one. I came across this PDF which shows briefly how they were able to make the change so it doesn't require a hi/low shifter in the PTO shifter's location. I haven't found much other information aside from this PDF and I was wondering if there were better post here about it. I was hoping it was the way you prefer to do it vs how others do. I'm always running stuff through a translator so my search ability here stinks, if there is already a topic on this please let me know. Thanks!

first of all, this conversion will not require changes inside the gear box. You will get a new 3rd and 4th stage, similar to the old 3rd and 4th stage the gear ratio is almost identically. only difference is that the new 3rd and 4th stage can be driven bachwards, too.

It is a 2x4 gear with two sections, off-road and onroad. Off-road can be driven backwards, too. In standard you shift the group automatically, when shifting from 2nd to 3rd stage. If you change this, you need an extra lever to switch between the groups (road and off-road).

Hello to the US,
first, welcome as member of this community. It is nice to get in contact to members all over the world. As a kind of friendship we use always our first name in all our postings.
As Markus told you don't get two more gears but you get the former middle gears 3&4 as extra gears also in the lower group. So the benefit is that you can shift more quickly the first four gears if you wan to drive fŕelativ fast in an Offroad terrain. Second benefit as also Markus said is the posiibility to drive these extra gears also backwards.
But to arrange this Markus method to switch between lower and higher Group with an extra lever is only one possibility. The two other methodes to use only the normal lever for all eight gears is good shown by the PDF from Hans Röhm you linked to your posting. So best is, you follow this description of Hans Röhm.
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