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My cousin Merle, who should be joining this site soon, owns the afore mentioned Rig. 8)

We need as much Intele on this particular style of 404 that hopefully someone here will be able to supply us w/. :?
So far what we've come up w/ is that there were bloody few of this variation manufactured, 35 was the last count we found. :shock:
She served @ Berchtesgaden & then Garlsdorf untill around 4 years ago when she was officially retired, sold & shipped to Merle via a Brocker in New England on the East Coast. :D

Also, in the Olde Girls journey most of her equipment was pilfered & we need to find the least expensive way to replace it & we do not have an equipment list to go by. :x :roll: :evil:
We've manged to find a few bits & bobs, but we are purchaing these things blind not knowing exactly what she originally had on her. :?
We do Volunteer EMS for Local Events, Disasters & Fire Supression @ Fire Camp Bases as L.A.F.D. CERT members, so funding is rather tight for paying for the replacements as it comes out of our own pockets. :P

Colonel Flashman
hi, Mr Flashman,
Yes, You are welcome on this community, :thumbup: and there are a few real experts in 404 firevans on this comm. , i'm shure they'l be very exited in answering all your quetstiones and be helpfull in anyway, but please try to write in "easy" english, not everyone who wants to help is in good english practice. i hope my writing is understandable,
with greetings from the main river, justus.
Hi Merle,

I think you contacted me before, but I'm sorry I lost your email, before I was able to reply.
Anyway. I see good chance to mail Otto Bussjaeger, who owns minimum 6 historical S404 firetrucks. Now the best information: One of them is a LF8-TS with complete equipment inside.
Visit his website http://www.jagermo.de/gfm/html/loschgru ... g_lf8.html

Find his email on the bottom of this page.

Best rgds from northern part of Germany
Olaf Lenz

if it would help you I do have the original complete load description from the bavarian firedepartment.
I have for my own 6 fire trucks on 404-basis and 3 other from Mercedes-Benz. But no 404 LF8 TS, but only to this time. :wink:

If you need original equipment, please feel free to ask me. I have a lot of them.


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