Herzlich willkommen

Herzlich willkommen auf der Unimog-Community-Website. Seit 1999 treffen sich hier die Mercedes-Benz Unimog- und MBtrac-Enthusiasten zum Meinungsaustausch und Fachsimpeln.

Der Schraubertreff für die MBtrac-Freunde unter uns.

Moderatoren: stephan, mbtrac_passion

Hi, hoping that some one here can read this, sorry to say that my knowledge in the German language is very small. I own a MB Trac 700K -81, and looking for new tyres, I became the owner 1997 and already then the tyres had very bad cracks, so my question is the price of new tyres or good second hand ones in Germany. I´m afraid they will explode some day. Here in Sweden new tyres is around 600 euro each, and second hand impossible to find.
Thank´s to www.unimog-community.de I found www.buchundbild.de so I got the complete workshop manual so I can fix the gearbox with a broken bearing, I hope.
Pictures on my MB Trac and cracks in tyres at http://www.hustomten.com/MB%20Trac%20700K/
Regards from Sweden
Hi Per

I know some german tyre-dealers and asked for some wheels for ma unimog.
the 14.5x20 ones are very expensive if you want to buy this one that you already have.
They are called Michaelin XM27 or XM47. My dealer said me the price of about 550 euro.
Now i´m searching for a cheaper one. I found the Continental AC70G for about 400euro.
But all this tyres are made for vehikles that able to drive 80km/h.

I hope i could help you a little bit with my very stupid english.

Look at this link: www.zdfw.de
or www.nutzfahrzeuge-kindermann.de

So have a nice day :cool:


used tyres with a comparable agricultural profile and size 14,5R20 are rather hard to find in Germany, too :( http://www.gasafi.de offers a used agricultural profile sized 375/70R20, wich would replace 14,5R20 rather well. If it is possible for you to switch to MPT profiles, you might use Conti MPT80 or Michelin XL, which offer an acceptable traction especially on muddy terrain. These types are offeres for about 80 to 100 EUR per used tyre.

med vänlig hälsning

PS: the new hood looks really cool :)
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